Email marketing should be simple, right? Well, it is if you know what you’re doing.
Moversville has been creating and managing monthly email newsletters for moving companies since 2014. Over the years we’ve learned a lot about implementing strategies that work.
Here are 8 secrets & things to remember about email marketing to ensure success.
Once You Hit Send, There’s No Going Back
Once an email is sent, it’s sent. It’s not like social media marketing or blogging where you can edit your work. Always keep this in mind and make sure you quadruple check your work for spelling/grammar mistakes, broken links etc.
200 Email Addresses is NOT Enough
You can expect an open rate of 15-20% with email marketing. You do the math. Our customers with list sizes ranging from 1,000 – 30,000 email addresses have the most success.
Make sure you spend the initial time building a sizable email list before starting your email newsletter. Also, put together a plan to continue to build your list of previous customers, realtors, property managers etc. If you use a moving software for your moving company, you should be able to export your list of all of your previous customers.
Always Send An Introduction Email
Blasting out your email newsletter to your entire list without warning is the quickest way for them to delete the email like nothing ever happened. Plain text introduction emails serve as an “icebreaker” to inform them about your upcoming emails and introduce/re-introduce yourself to your list.
Once Someone Unsubscribes, They’re Gone Forever
This is where content comes into play. Nobody likes emails that are purely promotional. Being overly promotional without providing value is the quickest way to get unsubscribes. Provide some type of helpful or local content that the reader might be interested in.
Over 50% of Emails Are Opened On Mobile Devices
What you see when creating your emails on your desktop or laptop screen will be different than what someone else sees on their phone or tablet. Make sure your emails are responsive and test before finalizing your template.
Maintaining & Scrubbing Your List
If your goal is to blast out an email to your database without scrubbing your list, you’re going to quickly end up in spam folders. When too many emails bounce and are undelivered, platforms like Gmail, Yahoo etc. will start recognizing your emails as spam and will eventually put them into everyone’s spam folders.
Make sure you remove emails that are undelivered or if someone has never opened your emails after 5 or so sends.
Slow Roll-Out For Large Sends
Moversville produces email newsletters for moving companies, some with over 30,000 email addresses. If you have this amount of email addresses, it’s best to break up your list and send no more than 10,000 emails per day. Sending to lists this large all at once can trigger spam filters. The more people who hit spam within a given period of time, the more likely that other people who are receiving the email will receive it in their spam folder.
Consider Outsourcing
Outsourcing your monthly email newsletter might be in your best interest.
Aside from making sure the factors above are taken care of, outsourcing your email newsletter gives you the assuredness of it being completed & sent, month after month, without hesitation.
Learn More About Moversville – An Email Newsletter Marketing Agency For Moving Companies