Which is better, Social Media Marketing? or Email Marketing? This argument depends entirely on the industry. Products and services that people use everyday or “buzzworthy” companies typically see more results on social media than products or services that people use once every few years.
To keep people interested in your message, as a moving service, it takes time and creativity.
Insights To Social Media Marketing in the Moving Industry:
- In order for you to be seen, people must “like” or “follow” your company, or share your posts.
- For those who do follow you, only about 6% see your posts in their news feed. While email has about a 20% open rate (Which doesn’t include those who still see your email and choose not to open).
- You have a fraction of a second to spark interest, then they move on to the next post.
- You must have thousands of followers and expect that most of them still won’t see your post.
If your moving company has a lot of extra time to market and advertise, then take social media for a spin, some movers have been able to benefit greatly from it. If you don’t have extra time, it might not be your best marketing choice.
However, it IS important to establish your presence on different social media platforms and link to your pages from your website. Social media provides a great way for people to check out your photos and see what you’re all about. Having established accounts can also help your ranking in Google’s search results. But, be careful about getting carried away without having a creative plan and consistent approach. This can lead to a big time waste of time. If you don’t have the time or a plan, consider posting just a few times per month, so you don’t appear to be a dormant company.
Insights to Email Marketing in the Moving Industry:
- With email, you pick who sees your message. Whoever you put in your email list, about 20% of your recipients will open your message (If you’re still providing great monthly content – not just advertisements).
- Content is important. People don’t like advertisements or spam in their email. Sending helpful and interesting content is best.
- Most business communications happen through email, not social media.
- More people have email addresses than Facebook and Twitter accounts combined.
- Email Marketing is 2nd in ROI just behind being in the organic search results. (If you’re not paying an SEO expert).
While social media is great for some industries, it can be a time waster for others. Email marketing requires much less time and effort to get results than social media, Especially if Moversville is creating and managing your branded monthly email newsletter.