These 6 MAJOR (but simple to fix) mistakes might be putting your moving company at a disadvantage and preventing you from booking more moves:
1. Having Less Than 3 Stars on Yelp or Google+
Having less than 3 stars on Yelp or Google+ means you’re probably losing business without even knowing. Nowadays it’s very common that people will check Google+ and Yelp before even considering a service provider. If you have 3 stars or less…they likely won’t even give you a chance.
Establishing a positive reputation can be a challenge. It’s not uncommon for consumers (especially those who are going through a stressful move) to only post a review when they have something negative to say. When this happens, negative reviews over-populate your profile and your reputation quickly declines.
Be sure to provide an easy way for your happy customers to post a review, so the public can get a true understanding of the quality of moving services you provide.
2. No Visual Representations
Not providing to your potential customers pictures and videos of your crews in action, can put you at a definite disadvantage. Remember, you may be handling ALL of their life’s treasures, and they’ll feel more comfortable hiring your services if you’ve provided a visual idea of what to expect on moving day.
Take many pictures of your clean-cut, uniformed crews in action and display them on your website, email newsletter, social media profiles, local listings and all other forms of advertisements. Your prospects visualizing the use of your professional moving service is exactly what you want before speaking with them on the phone.
3. Being Slow To Contact
Usually people contact several moving companies to get a range of quotes. Being slow to reply to or call back your prospect customer might lead to losing business to a competitor.
4. Not Following Up
Moving is overwhelming and sometimes people will get their quotes and be slow to make a final decision. Many times people receive comparable quotes and will hire the first moving company who follows up. By being responsive or the first to follow up, often times you will book those prospects.
5. Not Providing a Detailed and Professional Moving Estimate
Your moving estimate is a reflection on how professional your company appears. Your estimate will be matched up against your competition and if it’s lacking in professionalism, you may lose the business.
6. Lack of Non-Competitive Marketing Strategies
Many areas of online marketing (SEO, Pay Per Click, Yelp, Local Search, Buying Moving Leads etc.) are all competitive. The more competition, the harder it is to book the move.
Consider adding some low or non-competitive marketing techniques to your overall marketing strategy. One of the least competitive online marketing techniques is email newsletter marketing. Email newsletter marketing allows you to personally reach out and stay connected with your ever-growing list of happy previous customers and local real estate contacts. This increases non-competitive repeat and referral business and maximizes profits for your moving company.
Why Repeat Business and Referrals Are Your Most Profittable Kind of Business
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