Establishing these low-cost marketing components will help your moving company keep marketing costs down and increase profitability. These upfront costs are well worth it if you’re looking to maintain the long-term growth of your moving company.
Grow Your Network
If you’re known for providing great moving services, then expanding your network with real estate agents and building managers is a must. These audiences are specifically looking for great partners to provide their clients with exceptional services. Once you provide one of their clients with great services, often times you’ll be referred over and over again.
Here are 11 Audiences to Target That Are Sure to Bring You More Referrals
Brand Your Moving Trucks
Branded moving trucks are essentially free billboards that drive down the highway in your local service area, seen by thousands of potential prospects. Make sure you’re investing in branded moving trucks that have your Name, Logo, Phone Number, and Website.
Extra tip #1 – If you do office moves, consider lettering the tops of your moving trucks so when they’re parked under giant skyscrapers, people can look down and see your company doing work in their building.
Extra tip #2 – Make sure your trucks are always clean from top to bottom. Clean trucks represent a clean operation.
Have Clean Cut & Uniformed Crews
Just like moving trucks, your clean-cut and uniformed crews out on the job sites will be seen by neighbors and other potential clients driving by.
A Website That Works For You
When people need movers and don’t get referred by a friend or real estate agent, they simply search for movers in Google or other search engines. Make sure you’ve invested the upfront money for a website that shows up when people search for “movers in (your city)”.
Claim Your Business Listings
Make sure you claim and establish your business listings on Google My Business, MapQuest, Bing, Yelp, Yp.com, MerchantCircle, Kudzu, and as many listing sites as possible.
Search engines like Google use directory sites like these to help determine exact locations of companies. Having listings in as many directories as possible helps your company show up higher in Google’s organic and local search results. Make sure your NAPW (Name, Address, Phone, Website) are all exact matches and consistent.
Monthly Email Newsletter
An email newsletter is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your message out to your ever-growing list of previous customers and local real estate agents in your local service area. You have already established communication via email with these audiences, so continue to stay in front of them so they don’t forget who you are. And for those of you who use a movers software like MovePoint or MoveItPro, you can easily export all of your previous customers in order to start your campaigns.
Cost: 5-10 hours per month + html coding experience…OR
Just $199 per month with Moversville
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